This woman chose to offer a pretzel and a coffee to a homeless man

Certainly, no person wants to be a beggar and live off what people choose to give them. Life as a beggar is difficult and unbearable for many.

Most people have a negative attitude toward beggars, often ignoring or mocking them. However, Casey Fischer chose to extend a helping hand. One day, she met a beggar who had only managed to collect one dollar. Casey invited him to join her and bought him a coffee and a pretzel, hoping to brighten his day.

During their conversation, Casey learned that the man, Chris, lost his mother to cancer and ended up on the streets due to drugs. He expressed a desire to turn his life around and become the son his mother had always wanted. Before parting, Chris asked for a piece of paper and a pen, writing, “Thank you, lovely soul!”

Casey shared this story on social media, appreciating Chris’s effort to improve his life despite his struggles. Her post quickly went viral, resonating with many who admired Chris’s determination to overcome his hardships.